Compiling SCSS


SCSS is perhaps the most popular of the CSS pre-processors; for years it’s helped us write clean, reusable and modular CSS. In this quick tutorial, I’ll cut straight to the stuff that matters and explain how to compile Sass into CSS using the command line.

To compile Sass via the command line, first, we need to install node.js. Download it from the official website, open the package and follow the wizard.

Gulp is the task manager that is used to automate the task for easy development. Jobber is divided into different parts for which different gulp task is created.
1. If you have not installed gulp globally then please it using the below command.
npm install gulp-cli -g
2. Now install all the dependencies required for the project go inside the folder where  /gulpfile.js  located and run below command.
npm install
This will install all the dependencies from the package manager.
3. Run the project using below command this will process all the scss files and js files and will auto start the browser.

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