
Use the below code to display testimonials:

<div class="testimonial">
  <div class="testimonial-avatar"> <img alt="" src="images/thumbnail/thum-1.jpg"> </div>
  <div class="testimonial-info"> Our old site was very information-heavy; the Cupid Love helped to capture..... </div>
  <div class="author-info"> <strong>Paul Flavius - <span>Paul Flavius</span></strong> </div>

You can change the testimonial styles with using following classes :

Class Description
.testimonial.left_pos Display default testimonial
.dark .bottom_pos Dark class Display Dark background and bottom_pos set testimonial avatar in bottom
.clean This class display transparent background. If you use black background you need to use text-white class in main section tag

Note Use .bottom_pos or .left_pos class for testimonial avatar position.

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