Mega Menu

CSS3 Responsive Mega Menu is a premium plugin; very easy to implement and customize. Here is the super easy setting you can customize in custom.js:

logo_align          : 'left',      // align the logo left or right. options (left) or (right)
links_align         : 'left',      // align the links left or right. options (left) or (right)
socialBar_align     : 'left',      // align the socialBar left or right. options (left) or (right)
searchBar_align     : 'right',     // align the search bar left or right. options (left) or (right)
trigger             : 'hover',     // show drop down using click or hover. options (hover) or (click)
effect              : 'fade',      // drop down effects. options (fade), (scale), (expand-top), (expand-bottom), (expand-left), (expand-right)
effect_speed        : 400,         // drop down show speed in milliseconds
sibling             : true,        // hide the others showing drop downs if this option true. this option works on if the trigger option is "click". options (true) or (false)
outside_click_close : true,        // hide the showing drop downs when user click outside the menu. this option works if the trigger option is "click". options (true) or (false)
top_fixed           : false,       // fixed the menu top of the screen. options (true) or (false)
sticky_header       : true,        // menu fixed on top when scroll down down. options (true) or (false)
sticky_header_height: 250,         // sticky header height top of the screen. activate sticky header when meet the height. option change the height in px value.
menu_position       : 'horizontal',// change the menu position. options (horizontal), (vertical-left) or (vertical-right)
full_width          : false,       // make menu full width. options (true) or (false)

mobile_settings     : {
collapse            : true,    // collapse the menu on "click". options (true) or (false)
sibling             : true,    // hide the others showing drop downs when "click" on current drop down. options (true) or (false)
scrollBar           : true,    // enable the scroll bar. options (true) or (false)
scrollBar_height    : 400,     // scroll bar height in px value. this option works if the scrollBar option true.
top_fixed           : false,   // fixed menu top of the screen. options (true) or (false)
sticky_header       : false,   // menu fixed on top when scroll down down. options (true) or (false)
sticky_header_height: 200      // sticky header height top of the screen. activate sticky header when meet the height. option change the height in px value.

NoteThere are a lot features and styles (horizontal menu, vertical menu left, vertical menu right, 6 drop down animations, multilevel drop down and much more…). For mega menu please see mega menu documentation in documentation/mega menu for more.

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