Installation and Configuration

Install Apache, MySQL, and PHP

To install Apache, MySQL, and PHP on Amazon Linux 2, please refer to this link: Install LAMP on Amazon Linux 2.

Follow these steps to start using the cupid love web application on your domain.

  1. Extract the package and upload files from CupidLove to /var/www/html directory.
  2. Open the URL where you have uploaded the files, for example, http://{domain}.
  3. This will take you to http://{domain}/install/index.php.
    • Make sure your configuration meets the given requirements.

  4. Create a database from your server console and provide the database credentials:
    • Host
    • Username
    • Password
    • Database name

  5. Enter your username, password, and database name.
  6. Create an admin account to manage the admin console at http://{domain}/admin.
  7. Make configurations for your site, such as:
    • Language preferences
    • Facebook API integration
    • Google search key

  8. Set up XMPP, which allows you to enable or disable the chat service.
  9. You are now ready to go:


Install Ejabberd Server

To install the Ejabberd server on Amazon Linux 2, follow the below steps:

1. Download Ejabberd RPM Package

    • Install Development tools on Amazon Linux 2 server:

$ sudo yum groupinstall -y "Development Tools"

    • The Ejabberd package is provided by RPM-based Linux operating systems.

$ EJ_VERSION=23.04


2. Install Ejabberd on Amazon Linux 2.

    • The package has been downloaded; let’s install it using the following commands:

$ sudo yum localinstall ejabberd-${EJ_VERSION}-1.x86_64.rpm

    • The init script is placed in the /etc/init.d directory.

$ ls /etc/init.d/ejabberd


    • Ejabberd’s application directory is:

$ ls /opt/ejabberd

conf database logs

3. Start the Ejabberd systemd service on Amazon Linux 2.

    • Copy the systemd unit file of Ejabberd to the /etc/systemd/system directory:

$ sudo cp $(sudo find / -name ejabberd.service) /etc/systemd/system

    • Reload systemd

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload

    • Start the service and enable it to start on boot.

sudo systemctl start ejabberd

$ sudo systemctl enable ejabberd

    • Check to confirm the service was started successfully.

$ systemctl status ejabberd

4. Add the ejabberdctl command location to your PATH.

    • Locate the ejabberdctl binary file:

$ sudo find / -name ejabberdctl

    • Add the path to your .bashrc file.

$ vi ~/.bashrc

    • Update PATH

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/ejabberd-23.04/bin

    • Source your bashrc file to update settings.

$ source ~/.bashrc

5. Add an Admin user to Ejabberd

    • Once Ejabberd is installed and configured, you’ll need to add an initial admin user for administrative purposes.

# ejabberdctl register myadmin $(hostname) StrongAdminPassword


      • myadmin – Is the name of the admin user to be created.
      • StrongAdminPassword is the password for the myadmin user created.

Expected command execution output:

User myadmin@amazon-linux successfully registered

You can now edit the Ejabberd configuration file and give the user we just added administration rights to the XMPP account.

The user syntax is:

"username@servername" or username@hostname

eg: admin@amazon-linux

Get your machine hostname:

$ hostname

    • Edit the Ejabberd configuration acl section:

$ sudo vi /opt/ejabberd/conf/ejabberd.yml

port: 5280
ip: "::"
module: ejabberd_http
  "/admin": ejabberd_web_admin
  "/api": mod_http_api
  "/bosh": mod_bosh
  "/http-bind" : mod_http_bind
web_admin: true
http_bind: true

    • Restart the Ejabberd service after making the changes.

$ sudo systemctl restart ejabberd

6. Make sure to open ports 5266, 5280, and 5269 for the Ejabberd server on the AWS instance.

    1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon EC2 service.
    2. Navigate to the “Instances” section and select the instance to which you want to add ports.
    3. Open your instance by clicking on the instance ID.
    4. Go to the security tab and click on Security Group ID.
    5. Click on Edit inbound rules and start adding rules.

Add the following ports shown below:

5280, 5266 and 5269.


7. Access ejabberd Web Admin

    • Ejabberd admin console can be accessed on below URL:


    • Login with the username and password as created earlier.

    • On successful authentication you’ll be presented with Ejabberd admin console.

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