Application Package


  1. Change Application Package Name, App Name, Copyright Symbol, and App Icon. 

A) Open the CiyaShop Seller project in Android Studio.

B) Make sure that at the top of project navigation setting Compact Empty Middle Packages should not be checked. Because of this, you can change each folder of the package.

C) Click on java. In java folder, there is all available package folder is manifested. Right-click on the folder that you want to change and navigate to ..\Refactor\Rename


E) Change package name to your desired package. And click on Refactor package

F) Then click on Do Refactor for finalization.

G) Then copy your entire package name and make changes in Application build.gradle file. Change in as follow.

android {
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "com.test.your_package_name"



J) Now open ..\resvaluesstring.xml

k) Here you can change Application Name, and Copyright

L) Now open ..\resmipmap Right-click on mipmap folder and navigate to new and click on Image Asset.


M) You will be redirected to Configure Image Asset Here you can change your application icon.

N) Select an image from Path and click OK.

O) Now resize your icon and set it accurately. Then click on the Next button.

P) Click on the Finish button for the complete Icon change process.


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