1. Introduction
  2. Installation
    1. Getting Started
    2. Plugin Update (CiyaShop App Version 2.0)
    3. Plugin Installation (CiyaShop App Version 2.0)
  3. API Settings
    1. Support & License
    2. API Keys
    3. WooCommerce API
    4. iOS Application Configuration
    5. Google Maps API
    6. App URL
    7. Test API
    8. Emails
    9. Vendor Settings
  4. App Settings
    1. Primary Logo
    2. Secondary Logo
    3. App Color
    4. Main Category Menu
    5. Home Slider Banner
    6. Category Banners
    7. Banner Ads
    8. Feature Box
    9. App Pages
    10. Checkout Page Settings
    11. Social Links
    12. Contact Info
    13. Home Page Customisation
    14. WhatsApp Chat
    15. Language Setting (Version 1.0, Version 1.1& Version 1.2)
  5. Performance
  6. Reward Points
  7. Multi-Vendor Support
  8. Push Notifications
    1. iOS Push-notification configurations
    2. Admin Push-notification Configuration
  9. Delivery Tracking
  10. In-App Coupons
  11. Scratch Cards
  12. Multi-Currency Symbol
  13. GEO Fencing
  14. WishList
  15. One Signal Notification
  16. WPML Configuration
    1. App Setting for WPML
  17. Other iOS Application Configuration steps
    1. Setup Firebase project
    2. Facebook Setup
    3. Apple Login
    4. Change App Name
    5. Change App Icon
    6. Change SplashScreen
    7. Source and Credits
  18. WhatsApp Floating Button
  19. Facebook Pixel
  20. Google App Indexing
  21. Social Sharing & App Sharing (Coming Soon)
  22. Video Support (Product Detail)
  23. Infinite Scrolling
  24. Introduction Slider Changes
  25. Manage Infinite scrolling configuration from code
    1. iOS
  26. Check Zipcode For Delivery
  27. Add To Cart In Listing Page
  28. Firebase OTP on Registration
  29. Custom Products (Selected Products)
  30. Loader options (Shimmer Loader)
  31. Tera Wallet
  32. Publish
    1. iOS app submission on AppStore
  33. FAQs
    1. HTTP Authorization Header not enable?
    2. Checkout page not working correctly?
    3. Special Deal Products or Schedule Sale Products
    4. Update PGS Woo Api plugin
    5. How to take backups of PGS WOO APi Plugin
    6. Remove Social Media Login
    7. Remove Black Color From Color Filter
    8. Set image according to your requirement
    9. Downloadable Products
  34. Change Log
    1. iOS
  35. Cocoapods won't work on new m1 mac Big Sur Xcode or missing one or more architecture arm64_86.

Google App Indexing

App Indexing gets your app into Google Search. If users have your app installed, they can launch your app and go directly to the content they’re searching for. App Indexing reengages your app users by helping them find both public and personal content right on their device, even offering query autocompletions to help them more quickly find what they need.

If you have not done deep link set up for the iOS application in firebase developer console then follow iOS deep link Setup.
Your deep link setup is already done then follow below video.
Need to follow below steps to enable Google App index in CiyaShop iOS application;

  1. Add handling for universal links to your app.
  2. Create the app-to-site association. This involves two things:
    1. Add a com.apple.developer.associated-domains entitlement in Xcode that lists each domain associated with your app.
      • Open CiyaShop iOS code in xCode.
      • Open Capabilty tab for Target CiyaShop, and add new Associated Domains as webcredentials:example.com (Your website URL without “www.”) as shown in Image.
    2. Create an apple-app-site-association file for each associated domain with the content your app supports and host it at the root level. The apple-app-site-association file should looks like as follow;
      "applinks": {
      "apps": [],
      "details": [
      "appID": "2MED2L3Y7Z.com.example.CiyaShop",
      "paths": [ “*”, “NOT /admin/*” ]

      The value of the details key is an array of dictionaries, one dictionary per app that your website supports. The order of the dictionaries in the array determines the order the system follows when looking for a match, so you can specify an app to handle a particular part of your website.Each app-specific dictionary contains an appID key and a paths key. The value of the appID key is the team ID or app ID prefix, followed by the bundle ID. (The appID value is the same value that’s associated with the “application-identifier” key in your app’s entitlements after you build it.) The value of the paths key is an array of strings that specify the parts of your website that are supported by the app and the parts of your website that you don’t want to associate with the app. To specify an area that should not be handled as a universal link, add “NOT ” (including a space after the T) to the beginning of the path string.

      There are various ways to specify website paths in the apple-app-site-association file. For example, you can:

      • Use * to specify your entire website
      • Include a specific URL, such as /shop/, to specify a particular link
      • Append * to a specific URL, such as /videos/wwdc/2015/*, to specify a section of your website

      Note:Don’t append .json (any extention) to the apple-app-site-association filename.

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