1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started
    1. Requirements
    2. WordPress Installation
    3. Theme Installation
      1. with Envato Market Plugin
      2. with FTP Client
      3. Through WordPress
    4. Theme Setup Wizard
    5. Child Theme
    6. Sample Data
  3. Theme/Plugin Update
  4. Theme Settings
    1. Layout Settings
    2. Site Logo
    3. Site Preloader Option
    4. Back to Top
    5. Header
      1. Site Header
      2. Topbar
      3. Search
    6. Footer
      1. Footer Layouts
      2. Copyright Section
      3. Footer Above Content
    7. Page Header
    8. Page Settings
    9. Blog/Post Settings
      1. Blog Settings
      2. Archive Settings
      3. Single Post
    10. Portfolio
    11. Team
    12. WooCommerce
      1. Product Settings
      2. Products Listing
      3. Products Filters
      4. Single Product
      5. Quick View
      6. My Account
    13. FAQ Settings
    14. Color Scheme
    15. Site Info
      1. Social Profiles
      2. Site Contacts
      3. Cookie Law Info
      4. Opening Hours
    16. Social Sharing
    17. Typography
      1. Typography
      2. Typekit Fonts
      3. Additional Fonts
      4. Custom Fonts
    18. 404 Page
    19. Maintenance
    20. MailChimp Settings
    21. Instagram
    22. Google
    23. Custom CSS/JS
    24. Sample Data
    25. Import/Export
  5. Elementor Widget/WPBakery Shortcodes
    1. Accordion
    2. Banner
    3. Blockquote Settings
    4. Blog Posts
    5. Button
    6. Callout
    7. Clients Logo
    8. Contact Form
    9. Countdown
    10. Counter
    11. DropCap
    12. Flipbox
    13. Hotspot Image
    14. Image Comparison
    15. Image Gallery
    16. Image Parallax
    17. InfoBox
    18. Instagram
    19. List
    20. Map
    21. Menu List
    22. Price Menu
    23. Newsletter
    24. Portfolio
    25. Pricing Table
    26. Process
    27. Product Category
    28. Products
    29. Progressbar
    30. Section Title
    31. Separator
    32. Slider
    33. Social Links
    34. Team
    35. Tabs
    36. Testimonials
    37. Timeline
    38. Video
  6. Additional
    1. Header Builder
    2. Footer Builder
    3. Mega Menu
    4. Custom Sidebar Widget
    5. Custom Menu
    6. Topbar Menu
  7. Widgets
    1. WebGatha Contact Us
    2. WebGatha Facebook
    3. WebGatha Instagram
    4. WebGatha Newsletter
    5. WebGatha Opening Hours
    6. WebGatha Recent Posts
    7. WebGatha Social
    8. WebGatha Testimonials
  8. Extra
    1. Browser Support
    2. How to rate this item
    3. Translation
      1. Poedit
      2. Loco Translate
      3. WPML
      4. Polylang
  9. Source & Credits

Mega Menu

WebGatha boosts the default functionality of the WordPress menu to adding mega menu in the theme, So it is more comfortable and smooth.

Create a menu from Appearance > Menus and drag and drop post, page, category or anything which you need in the menu. Mega menu is enabled only on the primary menu. Click on “Enable Mega Menu” from WebGatha Mega Menu.

If WebGatha Mega Menu does not appear then enable from Screen Options > WebGatha Mega Menu.

When you hover on the menu item, You will see the “Menu Setting” option.

Menu Setting comes with the below options:

  1. Link Anchor: Link where you want to navigate.
  2. Menu Color Scheme: Select color scheme Dark or Light.
  3. Design Type: Select Design type Dropdown or Mega menu.
  4. Open Submenu On Click: Open sub-menu.
  5. Enable Menu Link: Open menu link. It will appear when the “Open Submenu On Click” option selected.
  6. Select Icon: Select Icon for Menu.
  7. Label: Menu item label.
  8. Label Color: Menu item label color.
  9. Background Image: Select background image for the mega menu.
  10. Background Repeat: Select Background image repeat type.
  11. Background Size: Select Background image size.
  12. Background Position : Select Background image position.

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